The Real WTH Show

Hailing from Northern California and West Virginia this podcast duo are looking to voice their opinions on todays hot topics, past struggles, movies, conspiracies, law enforcement and all around dude stuff. Hosts Tommy and Wilson will engage you in important conversations about the world we live in and also sprinkle in humor and entertainment with their world famous Beers and Cheers segments.

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Monday Sep 28, 2020

In todays episode we discuss our top 5 movies from the 80's, we also list a few honorable mentions, but we kick it off with our world famous, award winning segment Beers and Cheers. Our cheers today goes out to UFC fighter Colby Covington and video game streamer NOM4D. 
Beer tasted - Log Off Brewing  - Frankenpoodle - WTH Rating 4.75/5
As always we would like to thank our sponsor for all their love an support. Be sure to pay them a visit and spice up that beautiful modern sporting rifle in your life. Be sure use code " WTH5 " for 5% off your entire purchase.
Also a shout out to Thin Line Brewing for spreading the word and being some of the coolest cats in town. Pay them a visit a Be sure to make it out to trivia this coming Friday October 2nd at 6pm to say goodbye to Tommy as he makes his journey to the Mountain State and hopefully send him off with a win in trivia. 
If you would like to contact us we can be reached by phone or text at 916-259-3030 or you can email us at
We can be found on social media on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Untappd, Letterboxd at The Real WTH Show
Be sure to Rate/Review/Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Podbean, Spotify, Google Play, Amazon Music and pretty much anywhere you listen to podcasts
Thanks for listening everyone!!
Laters on the Menjay!
Music provided by Rick Derringer and KEO 

Monday Sep 21, 2020

In todays episode we talk about a few of the podcasts we love to listen to. We have another awesome Beers and Cheers episode where we send our cheers to Pittsburg Steelers Alejandro Villanueva, Miami HS students in Ohio Brady Williams, and Jared Bently, and Dishal Sooku who stopped an attempted kidnapping in Johannesburg South Africa.
Beer Reviewed - 
Red Bus Brewing - Kel's Green Wagon - 4.5/5
Podcasts Reviewed: - Astonishing Legends ( Conspiracy stories ) - Straight Chilling Podcast ( Horror Movie Review )
Fake Doctors, Real Friends W/ Zach and Donald - Scrubs Podcast  - True Crime Garage ( True Crime ) - Radio Rental ( Creepy True Stories ) - Off The Cuff w/ Aubrey Huff ( Political and Man Stuff ) - Meateater ( Hunting,Fishing and Outdoors )
As always we would like to thank out sponsor for all their support. Please check them out and upgrade your sporting rifle and make it look even more sexy. Be sure to use offer code " wth5 " at checkout for 5% off your entire purchase.
Also a shout out to for being awesome and always putting out quality brews. Be sure to check them out an go grab a beer and some rad chips and salsa on Friday nights during trivia with friends. 
Comments or suggestions or just wanna talk?? you can email us at or you can call/text us at 916-259-3030
Please follow us on all social media outlets at The Real WTH Show
( Facebook, Instagram, Untappd, Letterbox, Youtube )
Be sure to Rate/Review/Subscribe on Apple Podcasts,Podbean, Amazon Music, Google Play, Spotify and pretty much anywhere you listen to podcasts
Thanks for listening everyone!!
Laters on the Menjay!!
Music provided by Rick Derringer and KEO

Monday Sep 14, 2020

In this weeks episode we discuss a video game conspiracy known only as " Polybius ". We also talk a little bit about our personal histories with video games as well. Wilson tells a story about a very annoying street salesman who is practically stalking him, and believe it our not we actually call the old " popcorn " phone number on the air. Does it still work? listen and find out!  Of course we do our world famous, award winning, life changing, planet exploding Beers and Cheers segment where we cheers all California Fire Fighters, CDCR prisoner firefighters, our boy and past guest David Lewis, a gentleman who was diagnosed with a terminal illness when he was 16 and is now 45 and fighting those fires, and Jacksonville Jaguars Tight end Tyler Eifert.
Beer Reviewed - Thin Line Brewing - Flame Killer - 5/5
As always we would like to thank our sponsor for all their support. Please check them out and upgrade your sporting rifle and make it look even more sexy. Be sure to use offer code " wth5 "at checkout for 5% off your entire purchase!!
Also a shout out to our friends at for being awesome and always putting out great brews. Be sure to check them out and go grab a beer, some rad chips and salsa and on Friday nights do a little trivia with friends. If you need a beer suggestion you can check out our Untappd page to see all our reviews. They also have shirts, hats, koozies and more for sale as well. Go support small businesses!!! Tell them Wilson and Tommy from The Real WTH Show sent ya!!
Comments or suggestions or just wanna talk? you can email us at: or you can call/text us at 916-259-3030
Please follow us on all social media outlets at The Real WTH Show
( Facebook, Instagram, Untappd, Letterbox, Youtube )
Be sure to rate/review/subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Podbean, Amazon Music, Google Play, Spotify and pretty much anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Thanks for listening everyone!!
Laters on the Menjay!!
Music provided by Rick Derringer and KEO

Monday Sep 07, 2020

In this mystery filled episode Wilson takes you on a journey to the mysterious Oak Island Money Pit, The Voynich Manuscripts, and briefly talks about the Count of St. Germain. Tommy tries to dissect a mysterious 911 call of the case of missing person Brandon Lawson. We also do an extra long world famous, award winning segment of BEERS AND CHEERS and pay tribute to the new Sacramento County Sheriff Academy graduates, Sacramento County Sheriff Deputy Eric Schmidt who was recently shot, Hero helicopter pilot Mike Fournier who passed away after his helicopter crashed while trying to fight the California wildfires , Placer County Sheriff K9 Deputies Ruger and Rigel, and a Florida police officer who was shot in the chest during a shootout but who stayed in the fight and survived.
Beer tasted
Mraz Brewing Company - Golden Idol - 4.5/5
As always we would like to thank our sponsor for all their support. Please check them out and upgrade your sporting rifle and make it look even more sexy. Be sure to use offer code " wth5 " at checkout for 5% off your entire purchase
Also a shout out to our friends at for having a fun place to be on Friday nights after a long work week and being able to play trivia with friends, drink great brews, and eat awesome food. If you're local pay them a visit and grab some beer to-go, need a beer suggestion? check out our Untappd page to see all our beer ratings. They also have awesome merch you wanna checkout as well. Tell them Wilson and Tommy from The Real WTH Show sent ya.
Comment or suggestion or just wanna talk?? you can email us at: or you can call or text us at 916-259-3030
Please follow us on all social media outlets at The Real WTH Show
( Facebook, Instagram, Untappd, Letterboxd, Youtube )
Be sure to Rate/Review/Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Podbean, Amazon Music, Google Play, Spotify and pretty much anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Thanks for listening everyone!! 
Laters on the menjay!!!
Music provided by Rick Derringer and Keo 

Monday Aug 24, 2020

In this episode we talk about baseballs unwritten rule, school zoom calls, California's AB5 bill that passed and about how certain groups in America want to take away what you rightfully earned. This episode gets a little heated but its worth the listen. We also have a great and special beers and cheers segment that you don't wanna miss!
Beer tasted - Whiskey Tango Hotel ( WTH ) by Thin Line Brewing - 4.75/5
Be sure to check out our sponsor for all your sporting rifle needs!! Also make sure you use offer code ( wth5 ) at checkout for 5% off your entire purchase.
Also wanna thank Thin Line Brewing, you can find them online at They have some awesome swag you can buy or you can visit them in person and grab some to-go beers. Tell them Wilson and Tommy sent you.
You can find us on Facebook/Instagram/Untappd/Letterboxd at The Real WTH Show
Have a comment? Or wanna chime in on something we talked about? you can reach us by phone at 916-259-3030 or email at
Thanks for listening!!
Music Provided by : KEO

Monday Aug 17, 2020

In this episode of The WTH Breakout we start off with talking about our awesome time at trivia night with Thin Line Brewing!! We rate our 3, yes you heard that right 3 beers we tried and Tommy even has a beer review this time. Then we get into some pretty good topics on pro sports, college football and the cancelation of their season, and celebrities. 
Beers tasted:
Thin Line Brewing -  Hard Time Mango/Peach seltzer - 5/5
Thin Line Brewing -  Tongue Twister - 4.75/5
Bare Bottle Brewing Company - California Cashmere - 4.25/5
As always please check out and make your sporting rifle look even more sexy!! Be sure to use offer code " wth5 " at checkout for 5% off your entire purchase
Also check out Go pick up some sweet gear. They got hats, shirts, koozies and much more. If your local go visit them in person and grab one of the many beers they have on tap and will can for you to-go. Tell them Wilson and Tommy sent you!!
If you want to contact us please visit us on all social media outlets at The Real WTH Show
or you can email us at:
or call/text at:
Be sure to check out our Instagram and follow us on there as we are starting to do our give aways again
Thanks for listening
Music provided by : KEO

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020

This episode is one that Wilson has been waiting a while for. Tommy and Wilson review one of the greatest movies (in Wilson's opinion) of all time, the Sci-Fi Comedy Lavalantula. We start the show off with our world famous Beers and Cheers with some good beer and a good couple of cheers stories about people helping people. This one was a lot of fun and we had some good laughs throughout it.
Make sure you check out MSR Arms at Use the offer code WTH5 at checkout for 5% off your entire order!
If you're in Rancho Cordova make sure you check out Thin Line Brewing for some delicious beers.
As always we thank you so much for listening to our ramblings. If you like what you heard tell your friends and leave a review and rating. If you want to get in touch with us or want to be a guest on the show you can reach us at, call or text us at          916-259-3030, or check out our Instagram or Facebook by search for The Real WTH Show. 
Music provided by Devon Galley and the Heavy Hold and Rick Derringer.

Sunday Aug 02, 2020

In this weeks episode Wilson and Tommy discuss some of the more uplifting news stories that you probably didn't hear about. We discuss the El Dorado County K9 " Toby " and his awesome bust, 3 inmates who chose to help an injured Deputy and a transient who jumped into action and tried saving someone they didn't knows life. Then we talk about things that we actually miss during this whole lock down event.
Beer tasted - Sierra Nevada 40th Hoppy Anniversary Ale - 4.25/5.00
Be sure to check out our sponsor . Go buy something real nice for yourself and say hi to our boy Ryan!! Make sure you use code " WTH5 " at checkout for 5% off your entire order.
Also, check out . Go order some awesome merch, and if your local go get a bite to eat and a brew to drink. Say hi to Scott an Cory while you are there.
We can be reached at 916-259-3030 or email at
We are on all social media at Therealwthshow
You can check out our beer reviews on Untappd and our movie reviews on Letterboxd
If you like what you hear please leave us 5 stars and a review on Apple Podcasts
Thanks again for listening, Laters on the Menjay!!
Music provided by Rick Derringer and Keo

Sunday Jul 26, 2020

In this episode we breakdown and dissect the 2012 hilarious comedy " 21 Jump Street " starring Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. We still do our world famous beers and cheers before we dive into the underground world of HFS and backstabbing high school parties.
Beer reviewed - Numb Numb Juice by Fall River Brewing co. 3.75/5.00
Please checkout our sponsor MSR Arms at . Be sure to use code " WTH5 " at checkout for 5% off your entire purchase
Also show some love as well. They have been great to us as well, and we really wanna support both these small businesses during these crazy times. 
If you would like to contact us we can be reached at 916-259-3030 or
Got a movie, tv show or anything you want us to review? We are open for show topic suggestions as well. Let us know!!
We are also on Facebook/Instagram/Untappd and now Letterboxd all at therealwthshow
Untappd - Our beer reviews app
Letterboxd - Our movie review app
Again, as always thank for listening! Laters on the Menjay!!
Music Provied by Rick Derringer and Keo

Wednesday Jul 22, 2020

In this episode we change things up a bit. We still have our world famous Beers and Cheers, but then we go into a movie review of one of the greatest movies of my childhood... Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. We have a very special beers and cheers that we tried to mention on a previous failed episode but it's something that needs to be talked about so we brought it up again. We hope you enjoy this episode!
Check out MSR Arms at Use offer code WTH5 at checkout for 5% off your entire order!
If you like what you heard tell your friends! Leave a review or contact us at, leave a comment at our Facebook page by searching TheRealWTHShow, or call us at 916-259-3030. Check out our Instagram for some giveaways! As always, thank you so much for listening!
Music provided by Rick Deringer and Devon Galley and the Heavy Hold.

Wednesday Jul 08, 2020

It has been a while but were back. Tommy wasn't available this episode but Wilson was able to have the Toy Stallion and his dad, Don Wilson back on. We get into some heavy topics of the day but we were able to have fun with them. We talk about some crazy things happening in the world and get into what were doing to take our mind off of this pandemic were in. We try some tasty beers and soda as always so give it a listen!
Beer tasted- Thin line Brewing Because of the Brave Summer Stout- WTH rating: 3.5/5
Check out our sponsor MSR Arms at Use our offer code WTH5 at checkout for 5% off your entire order!
We love doing this for all of you so if you like what you hear tell your friends! Check us out on social media by searching for The Real WTH Show. Leave us a comment on Facebook or send us an email at You can also call or text us at 916-259-3030. Thanks for listening and we will see you on the next episode!

Sunday Jun 14, 2020

In this episode Tommy and Wilson speak briefly about their past few weeks and about whats going on. Tommy speaks about his vacation and flying his drone, a horrible door dash experience and Wilson shares an elevator with a robot.
Beer tastes - Thin Line Brewing - Nightwatch - 4.75/5
Special thanks to our sponsor MSR Arms for all their support. Go check them out at Be sure to use checkout code " WTH5 " for 5% off your entire purchase.
We can be listened to on any podcast platform
Follow us on Facebook/Instagram/Youtube/Untappd at The Real WTH Show
We can be reached by email at or you can text/call us at
Thanks for listening!
Music Provided by: KEO  

Friday Jun 05, 2020

This episode we talk about what has changed in small businesses since Covid-19 hit, Tommy talks about a run in with an employee at Harbor Freight, To mask or not to mask, Famous friends of the show, a new segment called " Scumbag of the week ", we have a friendly competition of " Ikea product or Swedish hockey player ", and of course we talk some brews with the crew of Thin Line Brewing.
Beers tasted:
Havoc hazy IPA: WTH Rating 4.25/5
Mraz EDH IPA: WTH Rating 4.75/5
Special thanks to our sponsor MSR Arms. Please pay them a visit at Be sure to use code " WTH 5 " at checkout for 5% off your entire order.
and another thanks to Scott and Cory of Thin Line Brewing for being on the show. They can be found online at or you can go say hi in person at:
11354 White Rock Rd. Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
Tell them that Wilson and Tommy sent ya!!
We can be found on all social media platforms and Untappd at The Real WTH Show
We can be reached at or you could leave us a text or voicemail at 916-259-3030.
Intro Music is by Rick Derringer and outro music is by Devon Galley and The Heavy Hold
Thanks for listening!!

Thursday May 21, 2020

This episode is our 50th episode and also marks 1 year since we started the podcast! We start with some current events and then get into a review of some of the fun we have had in the last year with the podcast. Yes there is also a beers and cheers segment with a cheers going out to Law Enforcement since it was the end of National Police Week when we recorded.
Be sure to check out MSR Arms at Use our offer code WTH5 at checkout for 5% off your entire order!
Beer tasted- Thin Line Brewing Opposite of Ordinary New Zealand IPA: WTH Rating-4.75/5
As always thank you for listening and sticking with us throughout our first year as a podcast. We have some awesome ideas for this next year so stay tuned! If you like what you heard leave us a rating and review. If you have comments or suggestions you can email us at, message us on Facebook or Instagram, or call us at 916-259-3030.
Music provided by KEO and Devon Galley and the Heavy Hold.

Saturday May 16, 2020

This episode takes us pretty deep. Tommy and Wilson were able to voice some things that have been on their mind. We talk about some recent news and some issues we feel strongly about. We hope you guys enjoy this one because we definitely did.
Make sure you check out MSR Arms at Use our offer code WTH5 for 5% off your entire order at checkout!
Beer tasted- Thin Line Brewing Order/Chaos Double IPA: WTH rating 5/5 (this was a good one)
As always we thank you so much for listening. If you like what you heard leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear what you thought and how to make our show better. Check us out on Facebook, Instagram, Untappd, and YouTube by searching The Real WTH Show. You can email us at or call us at 916-259-3030.
Music provided by KEO and Devon Galley and the Heavy Hold.

Saturday May 09, 2020

Today's episode is one that we have been wanting to do for a while. Yes we are talking about The Tiger King documentary on Netflix. This was a fun episode for us. We start with our famous Beers and Cheers Segment, talk about some recent news, and then get to the one and only... Joe Exotic and his roller coaster of a life.
Beer Tasted- Omme Gang Brewing Neon Rainbows IPA: WTH Rating- 3.75/5
Check out MSR Arms at Use our offer code WTH5 at checkout for 5% off your entire order!
As always we thank you so much for listening to our shenanigans. If you like what you heard leave us a review. We are always wanting to know what you guys think so contact us on Facebook, Instagram, and Untappd. Just search The Real WTH Show. You can email us at or call us at 916-259-3030.
Music Provided by KEO.

Monday Apr 27, 2020

In this episode we talk through a lot of current events that have been going on. As of the recording the Ammo Background Check law had been ruled unconstitutional, sadly there has now been a stay on that ruling. As always we have our world famous Beers and Cheers segment with a fun story for our cheers. 
Go check out our friends at MSR Arms! Use offer code WTH5 at checkout for 5% off your entire order!
Beer tasted- Claimstake Brewing Sticky Nicky Dank IPA: WTH Rating-4.75/5
Thank you so much for listening! If you like what you heard leave a review and tell your friends! If you want to get in touch with us, send an email to, call us at 916-259-3030, or head over to our Instagram or Facebook. Just search for The Real WTH Show. We are still giving away Coronapocalypse bags so make sure you follow us on Instagram for your chance at winning one!
Music provided by KEO and Devon Galley and the Heavy Hold.

Monday Apr 20, 2020

In this weeks episode Tommy is riding solo as Wilson is off debriefing as a Mall Easter bunny. Tommy talks about what he has been doing to keep busy during his down time at home, and also tells a few stories of some not so pleasant encounters with shoppers during this pandemic. No beers and cheers this episode but we will for sure have one on the next episode.
Be sure to check out our sponsor Msr Arms
Use promo code "wth5" for 5% off your entire purchase at checkout
We can also be reached on Instgram,Facebook, Twitter, and Untappd at The real WTH Show
Wanna be part of the conversation? Drop us a line at 916-259-3030 or email us at
Music Provided by : KEO
Thanks for listening!!

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020

In this episode we have a cool update on Zechariah Cartledge, the young man who runs a mile for every Officer that has fallen in the line of duty. We talk a little about the goings on of the country and then we get into some memorable childhood shenanigans.
Make sure you check out our friends at MSR Arms! Use offer code WTH5 at checkout for 5% off your entire order!
As always we thank you so much for listening! Hopefully we are providing you with some entertainment during the time so many people are stuck at home. Make sure you check out our Instagram to stay up to date with the show. You can find us by searching The Real WTH Show. We still have some giveaways planned! You can also send us an email at or call us at 916-259-3030.
Music provided by KEO and Devon Galley and the Heavy Hold.

Thursday Apr 09, 2020

In this episode we have a wonderful Beers and Cheers segment with a beer from our friends at Thin Line Brewing. If you follow us on instagram you saw our question about guilty pleasures and that is our topic for the day. It was a fun episode so we hope you enjoy!
Check out our friends at MSR Arms. Use the offer code WTH5 at checkout for 5% off your entire order!
Intro: 0:00-19:16
Beers and Cheers: 19:16-39:40
Guilty Pleasures: 39:40-End
The best way to see what we are up to is through our instagram. Search for The Real WTH Show and you will find a link to all our social media. As always, thank you so much for listening! If you have comments or suggestions send us an email at or give us a call at 916-259-3030.
Music provided by KEO and Devon Galley and the Heavy Hold.

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020

We're all stuck inside so why not talk about what we would have in our doomsday shelter. Wilson tries some delicious beers from Claimstake Brewing. 
Make sure you check out MSR Arms! Use our offer code WTH5 at checkout for 5% off your entire order!
As always thank you for listening! If you like what you heard leave a review. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Untappd, and Twitter by searching for The Real WTH Show. You can contact us at or call us at 916-259-3030.
Music provided by KEO and Devon Galley and the Heavy Hold.

Thursday Mar 26, 2020

In this episode we wanted to try and keep away from talking about the Covid virus so we decided to do a top inspirational movie podcast. We hope everyone is safe and healthy during this time and we hope we can provide some entertainment for you while you are stuck at home! 
Make sure you check out our sponsor MSR Arms! Use offer code WTH5 at checkout for 5% off your entire order!
Intro: 0:00-8:30
Beers and Cheers: 8:30-16:15
Top Inspirational Movies: 16:15-End
Thanks so much for listening! If you like what you heard leave us a review and tell your friends. Any comments or suggestions you can message us on Facebook, Instagram by searching for The Real WTH Show, email us at or call us at 916-259-3030.
Music provided by KEO.

Friday Mar 20, 2020

Tommy couldn't make this episode so the Toy Stallion was gracious enough to come back on the show with Wilson. We have a good beers and cheers segment then we get into some current events which lead to us talking about some of the most memorable moments in our lifetime. It was a fun episode and thanks again to the Toy Stallion for taking time out of his schedule to help us out!
Go check out MSR Arms! Small businesses are hurting right now so show him some love! Us offer code: WTH5 at checkout for 5% off your entire order!
IntroIntro- 0:00-3:50
Beers and Cheers- 3:50-12:05
            Beer tasted- Thin Line Brewing 0 Dark 30.                    and Skewed
Current Events, Memorable Moments- 12:05-End
Thank you for listening and make sure you check out Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Untappd. Just search for The Real WTH Show. Send us an email at or leave us a voicemail at 916-259-3030.

#30 - Birthday Magic

Sunday Mar 08, 2020

Sunday Mar 08, 2020

In this episode we have an epic and intense Beers and Cheers. We talk a little bit more about the coronavirus and the dumbness of San Francisco. We also get into our WTH field trip to the Mystique Diner in Folsom California.
Beers tasted:
Thin Line Brewing - 647F WTH rating 4.5/5
Thanks for listening if you wanna reach us we can be reached at 916-259-3030 or email at
We can be found on the Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Youtube/Untappd at therealwthshow
Special thanks to MSRARMS for their support. Go visit them at and use "wth5" at checkout for 5% off your entire order!
Thanks again for listening
Music Provided by KEO

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020

In this episode we bust out a few topics that have been on our list for a little while. We speak a little bit about the Aaron Hernandez documentary, a guy who publicly shames people for not putting away their shopping carts and many others. 
Make sure you check out our sponsor MSR Arms at Use offer code WTH5 at checkout for 5% off your entire order!
If you like what you heard or wanna offer some feedback, Leave us a review on Podbean or Apple Podcasts.
You can contact us on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Untappd at The Real WTH Show, Send us an email at or give us a call at 916-259-3030
Music Provided by Keo
Thanks for listening!!

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